Why I started surreybikeboxhire
Having taken up cycling back in 2014 I went from my first rides around the Surrey hills to some more serious trips abroad. I never liked the idea of doing a serious Etape or Gran Fondo event on an unfamiliar hire bike so getting my own bike there safe and sound had to be the way.
Finding great quality bike boxes became an obsession and for the last ten years BikeBoxAlan (BBA), in my humble opinion have proved the best.
The list of elite cyclists who use these BBA boxes is reassuring so I believe it is a good investment in bike protection.
Newbies might be apprehensive about dismantling and re building their bike but it’s quite simple and we can help with our step by step guide and video.
Enjoy your cycling adventures and ride safe
"Andy - having used these boxes for our Prosecco gran fondo in Italy last year we thought they were great. Easy to pack & easy to move around our bikes were safe and secure and the boxes were the envy of othertourists."
"Thanks for providing the bike boxes for our trip. They did the business and were as good as promised."
Me with Frankie 'the legs' Laino - Tortoise and Hare, you decide.